Que foram construídos discos voadores, e que há filmagens dos seus vôos perto do solo, disso não devem restar grandes dúvidas, depois de se verem as filmagens do projecto da canadiana AVRO, que construiu um Avrocar em 1953.
Depois, o financiamento findou, apesar do ministro canadiano dizer que o aparelho voava a 2400 Km/h e conseguia subir na vertical. Em 1960-61, os EUA retomaram o projecto, apenas para o abandonar, deixando o aparelho em exposição histórica
Depois, o financiamento findou, apesar do ministro canadiano dizer que o aparelho voava a 2400 Km/h e conseguia subir na vertical. Em 1960-61, os EUA retomaram o projecto, apenas para o abandonar, deixando o aparelho em exposição histórica
Avrocar no Museu da USAF em Dayton, Ohio
Alguns testes estão filmados, provando apenas o conceito, de forma muito limitada, com o aparelho a mover-se a pouco mais que 40 Km/h, e isto serviria para justificar o abandono do projecto:
Avrocar Continuation Test Program and Terrain Test Program, 06/01/1960 - 06/14/1961

Henri Coanda foi um engenheiro romeno que praticamente inventou o conceito de aviões sem hélice, que apresentou em Paris, em 1910.
Com o desenvolvimento de um jacto propulsor, Coanda trabalhou ainda num projecto para o Grã-Duque da Rússia, na construção em 1910 de um trenó propulsionado por um jacto (ver figura em baixo).
Depois disso, e com a 2ª Guerra Mundial, trabalhou com os ingleses, mas também com os alemães (o que não deve ter sido muito bem visto), na construção de aparelhos a jacto.
As invenções de Henri Coanda em 1910: o avião e o trenó, ambos propulsionados por jacto.
Tentou que lhe fosse creditada a invenção do sistema a jacto, quando apareceram posteriormente esses aparelhos, mas não sendo inglês, francês, alemão ou italiano, teve apenas esse crédito no reconhecimento dado pelo estado romeno, tendo o aeroporto de Bucareste o seu nome.
Ora, conforme já aqui falámos:
- https://odemaia.blogspot.com/2016/12/byrd-voando-sobre-ninos-polares.html
- https://alvor-silves.blogspot.com/2016/12/de-calisto-ao-contrario-polo-2-uma.html
houve o projectos nazi Haunebu que visava a construção de discos voadores:
Colocamos ao lado direito uma as primeiras imagens de discos voadores (New Jersey, 1952), para que se veja como coincidiam razoavelmente com o aspecto das naves nazis.
Com efeito, antes da 2ª Guerra Mundial eram praticamente inexistentes quaisquer fenómenos OVNI.
Havia situações estranhas, como sempre houve... mas nada que comparasse com a vaga de avistamentos que se seguiu. Num dos primeiros casos, na Suécia em 1946, os serviços militares pensaram que seria já a URSS que tinha desenvolvido o projecto nazi Haunebu. E de lado a lado, as desconfianças iam quase sempre para o rival, até que começou a ganhar peso a hipótese ET.
Por exemplo, se virmos o depoimento do ministro canadiano Paul Hellyer:
- Canada's former Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer: 2 Space Aliens are working with the US. Government
Well, Senator, you were talking about a military unta, well in my opinion that is true, but I have broadened and deepened the definition to Cabal, and the Cabal comprises members of the three sisters. The Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderbergers, and The Tri-Lateral Commission, The International Banking Cartel, The Oil Cartel, members of various Intelligence organizations, and select members of the military unta. Together, have become a shadow government of not only the United States, but of much of the Western World. [a entrevista por escrito, aqui]Concretiza mais avançando o nome de David Rockefeller que, segundo Daniel Estulin, teria agradecido numa reunião Bilderberg aos principais jornais, cujos directores tinham ajudado a manter tudo off the record, para a preparação de um governo mundial, liderado pelos banqueiros.
Numa outra entrevista à RT em 2014, dizia haver quatro espécies de ET's que visitavam o planeta há milhares de anos, e que apenas tinham revelado a presença após o perigo nuclear, evidente com a explosão da bomba atómica.
Ora, aqui fica tudo um pouco confuso... porque se foram os aliens que ajudaram na tecnologia avançada, então quem ajudou nas bombas atómicas e nucleares?
Ora, para quem acompanha o desenvolvimento tecnológico, a maior admiração não será tanto o desenvolvimento que aconteceu depois da 2ª Grande Guerra, mas sim o grande salto de conhecimento que se deu na transição de 1900. A partir daí, à excepção da miniaturização de componentes, o avanço foi até moderado... atendendo a que passámos de milhares para milhões de pessoas muito qualificadas.
Até ao aparecimento dos primeiros Sinclair/Spectrum, no início de 1980, a tecnologia que estava ao alcance do comum cidadão era simples, mesmo básica nalguns casos...
Exceptuando aparelhos de TV, e sistemas de som sofisticados, qualquer jeitoso resolvia uma avaria sozinho, e os melhores informados sabiam exactamente como funcionava tudo, não lhe passando pela cabeça nenhuma teoria OVNI para explicar a tecnologia envolvida.
Com o desenvolvimento dos computadores, a tecnologia complicou-se um pouco, mas quem perceba como funciona um sistema computacional, verá que nada há de transcendente... excepto uma incrível capacidade de aumentar a velocidade de processamento e capacidade de armazenamento, a níveis impensáveis anteriormente. Mas, quem perceba de produção software, sabe que os sistemas actuais herdaram erros grosseiros ou vícios de concepção passada, do género "bug do ano 2000", que ainda hoje atormentam programadores.
Em suma, creio que Paul Hellyer sabia do que falava, especialmente no que dizia respeito ao plano de governo mundial único, definido pelo sistema financeiro. Quanto à parte OVNI, poderia servir apenas de despiste, ou então deveria ser suficientemente sincero para revelar que a própria empresa canadiana AVRO tinha fabricado os seus próprios discos voadores...
Como daqui a alguns tempos, várias ideias arriscam a aparecer por aí, passando por serem novidade... através da comunicação social super-manipulada, quando são coisas antigas, deixo mais alguns exemplos:
Flying Platform mid 1950's
Aero-X Hoverbike (Ford) (2016) Outra versão moderna
Aero-X Hoverbike (Ford) (2016) Outra versão moderna
Já não falo aqui dos aparelhos voadores de propulsão humana, remetendo para as páginas em português que fiz na wikipedia:
Apenas saliento que o recorde é ainda do ciclista grego que pedalou de Creta até Santorini (115 Km):
Portanto, antes de se pensar nas limitações da criatividade humana, é bom não esquecer que o génio tem que continuar contido na garrafa, porque há quem assim o determine e queira.
Poderá haver razões de segurança, mas há ainda as desvantagens das mais descaradas ocultações.
Discurso Paul Hellyer (1/6):
ResponderEliminarOpening with Congressmen Merrill Cook, Republican from Utah:
" Let's go to our stand to Honorable Paul Hellyer from Canada, we would give you 20 minutes, sir."
Honorable Paul Hellyer begins his testimony:
"Thank you very much Mr. Chair, and thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak, and thank you Steve (Steven Basset) for inviting me to speak.
My name, as said, is Paul Hellyer, I am a former Minister of Defense for Canada. I served in three governments, during a total of 23.5 years of Parliament. Although as Minister of National Defense, I had sighting reports of U.F.O.'s, I was too busy to be concerned about them because I was trying to unify the Army, Navy, and Air Force into a single Canadian Defense Force, and that itself was a kind-of battle to the finish. So, this was not high on my agenda, but about 10 years ago I started getting interested due to a young man from Ottawa sending me material on the subject. I told him I was too busy to read it, but he had confidence that someday I would. He sent me a copy of Colonel Corso's book, The Day After Roswell. It took me awhile to get around to reading it, but I took it for my summer reading in 2005, and was really impressed with what was contained in it. What I thought to myself was, 'there are huge issues here, HUGE issues, and the American People and the People of the World have a right to know what's going on because they're part of it, it's not just an isolated thing.'
So after confirming the contents of the book, the Retired United States General, I accepted the invitation of Victor Viggiani and his co-hort Mike Byrd, to speak at a symposium at the University of Toronto and I said; "UFO's are as real as the airplanes flying overhead." That gave me the dubious distinction of being the first cabinet member of government rank in the G8 group of countries to say so unequivocally.
(Audience applause)
Since then I have learned alot from many sources, including a number of the fantastic witnesses that we have heard these last four days. They are so outstanding, I was really blown away with them, the amount of information available, and I appreciate every single one of them. But because I am not a ufologist, I'm a politician, there are only a few things that I want to add in that particular realm.
First is in the 1960s, a flotilla of UFO's headed south into NATO territory, and the Commander in Chief of the Supreme Allied Orders(SHAPE) in Europe was naturally very shaken. Fortunately, or maybe Divine Providence, before the panic button was pushed, the flotilla turned around and headed back north. Obviously, they thought maybe they were Russian, and they were very concerned about it. The investigation was launched into this whole subject, and a document was prepared which concluded that at least four species had been visiting earth for 1000s of years, and this is my own view at this stage as well.
Except for that, there are a couple of things that we have talked about that I'd like to refer to, and one is that we refer to them as "They" until this morning when Linda Moulton-Howe, I think she was the first one, actually named three different species. I have brought my latest book called, "Light At The End Of The Tunnel: A Survival Plan For The Human Species", as an aid memoir, and I named five different species here. I am aware of more now, as a matter of fact, I saw a document just a few days ago that mentioned twenty. I think you, Mr. Chairman, might be interested in some of the places they might come from. I have in here, Zeta Reticuli, the Pleiades, Orion, Andromeda, and the Altair star systems.
Discurso Paul Hellyer (2/6)
EliminarSo I do not think we can anymore refer to them as "They", because they are not an amorphous mass. They are different species, and consequently may have different agendas. I don't think we can say they have the same agenda anymore than we can say the United States, China, and Russia have the same agenda. Our real interests may be very similiar, but as of now, our perceived interests are far apart.
One more observation before I begin what I want to say, and that is that we spend a lot of time talking about the 6 year old cadavers, and I was glad to hear Linda (Moulton-Howe) say that their are live ETs on earth at this present time, and at least two of them working with United States Government. Some of the other species that I have learned about not too long ago, was called the Tall Whites, when Paula Harris broke the story just a few years ago. Through her good offices, I had the chance to talk for about three hours with Former Airmen Charles Hall, and listened to this absolutely fascinating story of how he was working with... First of all, he was scared out of his skin, but after that, when he got to know them, how he was working with, and finally they became to trust each othernd have and have a good working relationship with the Tall Whites at the Gunnery Range at Indian Springs, Nevada. These Tall Whites were living on United States Air Force property, and working in cooperation with the United States Air Force and sharing technology with them. He (Charles Hall) wrote a book, incidentally, called "Millenial Hospitality", there are four different versions, but Hall says that "Millenial Hospitality #2" is the best, and that is the one I read, and it is a very interesting read, if you want to get inside the problem of what it is like to bump into these people floating across the terrain in the desert.
Enough on that for now, my interest is in full disclosure. My only caveat is that probably 95-98% full disclosure, I have known of 1 or 2 things that should not be in the public domain, at least not yet, it will be someday I am sure, but maybe not immediatly. But just as some children survive the idea of tooth fairy, and santa claus when they become adult, I think that taxpaying citizens are quite capable of accepting the new and broader reality that we live in a cosmos teeming with life of various sorts. The fact that some civilizations are more advanced than ours, may be humbling, but that could be a necessary step in our survival.
The world is an unholy mess, we have at best until the end of this decade. In my book, I said we have 10 years to stop global warming if we don't want it to be beyond the point of no return. Two years have gone past since it was written, so I say we have until the end of the decade to arrest global warming, yet our leaders don't even talk of it, except in a superficial way. They appear to be more interested in starting wars to control oil, and in effect prolong the gravity of the effect. Of course, even if they took the threat seriously, they wouldn't have the finances to finance the transition from oil to clean energy because we have an infinitely silly banking and financial system in the Western World.
(audience applause)
Discurso Paul Hellyer (3/6)
EliminarThe United States congress, I regret to say, is partly responsible, and I would be glad to elaborate on this, if you are interested. Finally, they need the technology for clean energy, and it exists, and is kept secret by the same vested interests that control our destiny. Who are these vested interests, and what are they up to?
Well, Senator, you were talking about a military unta, well in my opinion that is true, but I have broadened and deepened the definition to Cabal, and the Cabal comprises members of the three sisters. The Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderbergers, and The Tri-Lateral Commission, The International Banking Cartel, The Oil Cartel, members of various Intelligence organizations, and select members of the military unta. Together, have become a shadow government of not only the United States, but of much of the Western World. The Council on Foreign Relations is the oldest of the three sisters, and as early as October 1940, years before Germany surrendered to the Allied Armies and to vaporize Hitler's vision of empire, The Councils Economic and Finance group drafted a memorandum outlining a comprehensive policy, quote "to set forth the political, military, territorial, and economic requirements of the United States and its political potential leadership of the non-German world, including the United Kingdom itself, as well as the Western Hemisphere and the Far East."
-Mr. Cook clears his throat-
The council made absolutely no effort to disguise the fact that the purpose of the grand area, and later hegemony, was to support an expanding U.S. economy, and to provide it with raw materials and products for its markets. This was labeled the "National Interest" quoth on quote. It was equally clear that the National Interest was the interest of the ruling elite, whose members comprised of the Council. The real interests of rank and file Americans was never a factor in the equation.
Mr. David Rockefeller was a member of all three of the sisters, and is quoted as saying this in a meeting of the Bilderbergers in Europe; "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings, and have respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the likes of publicity during those years. But the world is more sophisticated, and prepared to march toward a world government, a supernational soverignty of an intellectual elite, and world bankers is surely more preferable than the auto-determination practiced in past centuries." He, of course, pretended he didn't say that, but the witness is reported by Daniel Estulin, a thoroughly reliable reporter who has written "The True Story of the Bilderberger Group" and if you really want to get inside of what's been going on there for this long time, that's a good place to go.
So, anyway, you hear what Mr. Rockefeller said, and so there you have it. The aim of the game is a World Government, comprising members of a cabal, who are electedby noone, and accountable to noone, and according to Mr. Rockefeller, the plan is well advanced. Does this help you to understand why our Civil Rights are being taken away from us? I say us, because Canada, too, is included in the grand plan.
A giant leap in the wrong direction followed the end of the Cold War. Noone could have been happier than I was when the Berlin Wall came down on November the 9th, 1989. The elation on our side of the curtain was universal, and very significant on the other side, as one country after another regained its freedom. Nearly everyone believed it was the dawn of a new era of peace and prosperity for people everywhere.
Discurso Paul Hellyer (4/6)
EliminarThere was much talk of a peace dividend. The prospects were dazzling, dazzling in their scope and diversity. It was a unique and God given opportunity for a new braver and fairer world. We blew it! We blew the chance of a lifetime to do good things.
A small group of zealots undermined our golden opportunity to pursue peace , not war, and little did we dream that they had a vastly different vision of the New World Order. Their plan, which is now commonly known as the Project for a New American Century, include prevent of wars, in clear violation of International Law, regime change wherever and whenever the U.S. desires, and if they can get away with it without excessive casualties, of the establishment a kind of economic and cultural hegemony with America acting as "constabulary" quoth on quote, that was their word, globally. This was to be established with out authorit of the United Nations, and without constraint of existing International Treaties. It would involve a military build-up of unprecedented in peace-time history, and could trigger an arms race, which is precisely the opposite to a peace dividend that the world had looked forward to.
The Machiavellian scheme involved Secret Police, the curtailment of Civil Liberties in defiance of the U.S. Constitution, and a morebundt economy operating way below its potential. Exactly those features for which the Soviet Union was held in contempt. The intial draft of the document was so controversial when it was leaked to the New York Times, that it had to be rewritten. It was not changed very much, just the cosmetics, enough to make it politically acceptable.
The document said this: "It may have been easy to persuade President Bush to abandon his stated policy of not getting United States more involved in International Affairs, but persuading the American people would be more difficult. Sophisticated adults would question such a giant sea change of policy." The authors of building America's defenses, strategies, and resources for a New Century recognized the difficulties from the outset, because their document contained the following sentence: "Further the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary changes, its likely to be a long one, absent of some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor."
It wasn't too long before they got their catastrophic and catalyzing event, terrorist struck the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington on September the 11th, 2001. Incidentally, they have removed the sentence about Pearl Harbor on the document that you can find on the Internet. Almost the whole world mourned, Canada mourned, the overwhelming majority of Muslims condemned the attacks. My sympathy for the families of the injured and dead was genuine and unwavering to this day.
My sympathy for the United States Government began to grow quite thin, however, when I heard President Bush cite the reasons for the attack. I quote, "Why do they hate us?", he asked rhetorically in an address to the congress. "They hate what they see right here in this chamber, a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms, our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote, to disassemble, to disagree with each other." I felt sad when I heard the president's word, I assumed that he believed what he was saying, but if that were true he was profoundly ignorant of the real thoughts and feelings of people in other parts of the world. If he wanted to hear the truth, he should have listened to Osama Bin Laden, who was well informed of the kind of orgins of fanatically hatred in the United States, which has lead to such treachery.
Discurso Paul Hellyer (5/6)
EliminarThis is his [sic](Osama Bin Laden) version of events: "Every Muslim must rise to defend his religion. The wind of faith is blowing, and the wind of change is blowing to remove evil from the pential of Mohammed. Peace be upon him. As to America, I say to you and it's people a few words, I swear to God that America will not live in peace before peace reigns in Palastine, and before all the armies of infidels depart the land of Mohammed. Peace be upon him."
That is clear enough, the dislike of America has nothing to do with Democracy vs. Dictatorship, or wealth, or freedom of religion, or freedom of assembly, it is directly related to American footdragging and stickhandling at the Palestinan question.
-Mr. Cook interrupts Hon. Hellyer to give him two minutes warning.-
In short, American foreign policy was the root of the conflict.
So here we are more than a decade later fighting another war that can't be won. There is no country powerful enough to protect its citizens from fanatical hate, as we learn from the Boston Marathon. The mere attempt to pursue the impossible, pits neighbor against neighbor, and the state power structure against everyone. All of the freedoms won by the millions of men and women who fought and died in World War 2 are being flushed unceremoniously down the drain.
Discurso Paul Hellyer (6/6)
EliminarThe only hope of peace is to negotiate a settlement, this will require a paradigm shift in America attitudes. It involves a defacto renunciation of the Plan for a New American Energy, and the adoption of a pledge for cooperation with all humankind, to build the kind of world which we are collectively capable of. Young people everywhere need to be challenged by a noble cause, they need to be involved in arresting global warming, creating a banking system that is just and sustainable, and lead the way to the transformation to the new reality that we have to live in harmony with our celestial neighbors, as well as seeking peace on earth.
In a word, we have to become spiritual beings, and practice the ONE tenet that the World's major religions have in common, that is, The Golden Rule.
This is from the late Dr. John Mack, an American Secular Jewish Psychiatrist, who became a world leader interviewee of abductees, or experiencers as he called them, came to this conclusion in a startling book, "Passport To The Cosmos", quote "Although the aliens themselves are not Gods, their behavior is anything but Godlike. Abductees consistently report that the beings seem closer to God than we are, acting as messengers, guardian spirits, or angels, intermediaries between us and the Divine Source."
Thank you
Retirado daqui:
Obrigada pela informação. Este fim-de-semana vou ver com mais calma... Andam a entreter-nos e de que maneira. Ao fim e ao cabo, andamos aqui com polarizações e depois descobre-se que são sempre os mesmos que estão por detrás de uns e de outros. Isto já começa a perder a graça.
ResponderEliminarA. Saavedra
Sim, uma das principais estratégias é justamente a "diversão"... e pode ser uma grande diversão para quem a congemina, mas a parada vai ficando cada vez mais alta, sempre se expõem.
EliminarMesmo que seja a apoiar teses de ET's, como no Projecto Blue Beam:
esta tentativa de apoiar teses conspirativas, não fugindo muito a uma certa base real, poderá servir também para escolher as versões que mais agradam.
Ou seja, se tiver que partir, que seja por um lado fácil de reparar, e permita ao mesmo tempo manter a ocultação.
Infelizmente, nesta circunstância, nem sequer nos podemos fiar em potenciais whistle-blowers, porque podem estar apenas a desempenhar um papel conveniente, em determinado momento.
Bom, mas que são quase sempre os mesmos, disso não me parece haver grande escapatória... não se conseguiria manter o show com duas companhias concorrentes.
Há muito que se sabe que para iludir quebras de monopólios, o que se faz é dividir uma empresa numa outra fantoche, que iludirá uma pseudo-concorrência, mantendo de facto o monopólio nos bastidores.
Nem de prepósito... Deve ser bruxo, só pode ;-) ou então o seu gosto pelos mapas também o leva a estudar mapas astrais...Hehehehehe
ResponderEliminarOra aqui está a última novidade em tecnologia militar...
A. Saavedra
Ah! Ainda não tinha visto essa "novidade"... obrigado!
EliminarNão aqui não há nada astral, há simplesmente a percepção continuada de que o número de invenções silenciadas é maior do que o de invenções disponibilizada.
Aliás, agora estaremos no processo de reverter ao passado, como naquela notícia do TGV que é o mesmo passado 20 anos, e não conseguem sequer passar de 1h15 para 1h10 o tempo de Lisboa ao Porto. Daqui a 20 anos, se tudo correr bem, conseguimos ir de Lisboa ao Porto em 1h30, mas é preciso pedir uma senha para o bilhete, que demora 2 anos a conseguir.